Remembering Aviv Baram

Aviv was born in Kibbutz Sde Boker on March 22, 1990, the eldest son of Hanita and Ofer Baram. When he was two and a half years old, he moved with his parents and brother, Ori, to live in Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

Aviv was a charming, smiling, and sociable boy. Already in his infancy he would crawl on the grass, in the neighborhood in Sde Boker, towards the houses of his friends. As a kid Aviv loved  to put on costumes, watch TV, swim, travel and take care of animals. At a young age he already volunteered to work in the petting zoo at Kibbutz Kfar Aza.

Aviv was educated in the kibbutz kindergarten, and attended the Shaar HaNegev regional school. In November 2008, he enlisted as a fighter in the 931st Battalion of the Nahal Brigade. After his discharge, he served in the reserves in the northern sector. Several years ago, he moved to serve in the reserves as part of Kibbutz Kfar Aza's first responding squad.

Aviv was a people person who loved to live, travel and eat. He loved everyone and made us all always feel loved and wanted. He started his professional life in his youth at the amplification and lighting company of the kibbutz - "Syncopa". Later, Aviv advanced and became the stage manager of the singer Ivri Lider. Recently, he started working as part of the technical team of the singer Hanan Ben-Ari. Aviv saw himself continuing to advance and expand in this field. Aviv was professional, caring and thorough in everything he touched.

On October 7, Aviv sprang out to fight the terrorists together with the first responding squad. After he was injured, he wrote us a farewell sentence in the family  WhatsApp group. This is a phrase that characterizes him in his life and in his death - "He loves everyone".  Aviv was killed trying to rescue his wounded friends.

Hamas took Aviv from us. he who was a great ray of light in our lives. Along with the great loss, we feel he will forever be a part of us, a part of our body. Thank you for remembering and reminding Aviv, and thus helping us to feel him a little more alive.